Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Process Work Seminar in London

(English follows Japanese)

9月29日からロンドンに来ている。今回の渡英目的の1つはプロセスワークのセミナー「Intensive Seminar: The World in Relationships」に参加することだ。


Day 3
  • エクササイズのデモンストレーション(学生のスタディグループでの関係性)
  • エクササイズ(3人組:ランクへの気づき)

Day 4
  • グループプロセス(トピック:女性の組織)
  • サブグループでのグループプロセス(組織に関する問題)

Day 5
  • エクササイズのデモンストレーション(ルールを破る)
  • エクササイズ(関係性の問題と慢性症状)
  • グループプロセス(トピック:スコットランドとイングランド間の関係性、ナショナリズム)

Day 6
  • インナーワーク(小さな暴君)
  • グループプロセス(トピック:ジェンダー)




I have been in London since 29th of September. One of the objectives to come to London was to attend a Process Work seminar 'Intensive Seminar: The World in Relationships'.
(You can see the seminar's flyer on the following URL.)

I joined from the Day 3 afternoon of the seminar because I had something to do in Tokyo on 28th of September. The brief summary of the seminar was below.

Day 3
  • Demonstration for Exercise (Relationship between a study group of students)
  • Exercise (Triad: Awareness of ranks) 

Day 4
  • Group Process (Topic: Women organization)
  • Group Process for small group (Issues about organization)

Day 5
  • Demonstration for Exercise (Breaking rules)
  • Exercise (Relationship problems and chronic symptom)
  • Group Process (Topic: Relationship between Scotland and England, nationalism)

Day 6
  • Innerwork (Petty tyrant)
  • Group Process (Topic: Gender)

The atmosphere of the seminar was similar to Japanese one. Participants were always kind and gentle. Women held a majority of participants. There were many relatively older people. (Few people seemed to be 20s)

Although I was struggling to follow the English conversations, It was a meaningful seminar for me. Arlene's facilitation was excellent because she was never forgetting to incorporate humor in the process even when she dealt with serious problems.

The picture below is the Day 5 evening drinking at a pub.

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