Monday, October 14, 2013

Ramen in London

(English follows Japanese)


SOHOは東京でいうところの新宿歌舞伎町のような場所。いろんなお店が軒を連ねている。そんな中で今日の夕食に選んだのはBone Daddiesというラーメン店。とんこつラーメンを注文したら、こんな感じ。



Bone Daddiesのホームページは以下です。


About 2 weeks have already past since I came to London. At last, I get tired of food in London and I miss Japanese food. Thus, I went to SOHO in the evening today to get some Japanese food.

SOHO is like Shinjuku Kabuki-cho in Tokyo. There are various shops on the street. I chose Bone Daddies ,a ramen shop, among the huge variety of options. I ordered Tonkotsu ramen below picture.

It looks so good and taste OK. Although it is inferior to Japanese well-established ramen, it satisfied my impulse for Japanese food. It was negative that the soup tasted a little light and the mianma tasted like a bottled one.

The price was £12.38 including a service charge. That is 1,945 JPY, so pricey! After all, It is the best to have a Japanese food in Japan.

The web site of Bone Daddies is below.

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