(English follows Japanese)
そこで今度はテスト結果が数日後にすぐ帰ってくるPTE(Pearson Test of English)と呼ばれるテストを受けることになった。早速受験の予約をしたものの、テスト準備のための教材がほとんどない。唯一の公式ガイドブックもAmazonで届くまで数日かかる状態で、ほとんど有効なテスト準備ができなかった。
9月10日にPTE Academicのテストを受け、なんと翌日にはテスト結果がオンラインで確認できる状態になった。ほとんどテスト準備できなかったため、やはり、テストスコアは散々なものだった。
After I decided to attend the Shanghai campus, an phone interview with Dean at Shanghai campus was set up. He is a French and has an accent, therefore it was difficult to understand what he said during the phone interview. After all, he concerned my English speaking ability which could not meet the required score for UK visa Tier 4 (General). And then, I was required to take another English test.
I chose to take an English test called PTE (Pearson Test of English) whose test results will be available in a few days at this time. Although I booked the test readily, there are few materials for preparation. The only official guidebook will take several days to ship if I order it through Amazon.com. So, I could not prepare for the test enough.
I took the PTE test on September 10th. Surprisingly, the test result was available on the next day. Not surprisingly, the test result was dismal because the preparation was insufficient.
Finally, the deadline was missed and I could not be accepted to Shanghai campus. Therefore, I had to give up to attend an MBA course this year. It would be needed to prepare more carefully for applying an MBA.
Considering my finance, I am planning to search a job again. And I will retry an MBA after a couple of years.
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