(English follows Japanese)
・リスニング: 6.0
・リーディング: 6.5
・ライティング: 6.5
・スピーキング: 5.0
トータル: 6.0
こういったフレキシブルなところはHultの良いところだと感じる。また、HultにはGlobal Campus Rotationという制度があり、最後の12週間は別のキャンパスで授業を受けることができる。よって、当初希望したロンドン・キャンパスにローテーションで行くことも可能である。
I received the test result of IELTS I took with my back to the wall in Taiwan on August 3rd. The score was...
- Listening: 6.0
- Reading: 6.5
- Writing: 6.5
- Speaking: 5.0
Overall Band Score: 6.0
Oh, my God!!!!! The speaking section doesn't meet the criteria for getting an UK visa Tier 4 (General)... Last time, I got 5.5 score in the speaking section... What should I do??? (in a helter-skelter.)
Since worrying this and that by myself would bring nothing, I informed my school recruiter of the test result. The next day, I received a response.
The recruiter suggested that I switched the campus to Dubai or Shanghai and applied for a late arrival permit for a few weeks. It seems that getting a visa for Dubai and Shanghai is easier than for other campuses such as London, Boston, and San Francisco.
I thought that such flexibility was good advantage of Hult. In addition, Hult offers students the Global Campus Rotation which provides a opportunity to go to study in other campuses in the last 12 weeks of One-Year MBA course. Therefore, it is possible to rotate to London campus afterward, where I admitted at first.
I immediately requested the late arrival permit, but I was just wondering which campus I should choose.
After careful consideration, I decided to go to Shanghai campus for the following 3 reasons.
- It's easy to fly back to Japan.
- Because of cheap prices in China, I can save living cost.
- I can study Mandarin I have been interested for some time.
No one knows what will happen in his/her life. It's important to be flexible and optimistic like the Planned Happenstance.
The picture below is the official test result of IELTS.
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