(English follows Japanese)
10月9日にLondon School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)の公開講座(18:30 - 20:00)に参加してきた。Noreena Hertzによる講演だったが、彼女が最近著した本「Eyes Wide Open: How to Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World」の紹介という感じである。色々な局面でよりよい意思決定をする上で重要な洞察が語られた。
- 我々は専門家を信頼しすぎてきた。
- 我々は専門性の定義をより広く捉えなおす必要がある。
- 経験は必ずしも専門性とはならない。
- 今日では誰もが様々な情報を集めることができる。
- 我々は違いを受け入れ、寛大になる必要がある。
- 我々は必ずしも経済理論にかなった理性的な意思決定者ではない。
- 昨日うまくいったことが、明日もうまくいくとは限らない。
- 我々は思考する時間とスペースを十分に確保する必要がある。
I attended a public lecture (18:30 - 20:00) at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on 9th of October. The speaker was Noreena Hertz, and she introduced her recently published book 'Eyes Wide Open: How to Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World'. She talked about important insights in making smarter decisions in various situations.
The main point of the lecture was below.
- We've become too trusting on experts.
- We need to broaden our definition of expertise.
- Experience is not the relation of expertise.
- Today, we all can gather various information.
- We need to seek out difference and decency.
- We are not the rational decision makers of economic theories.
- What worked well yesterday may not work tomorrow.
- We need to carve out time and space to think.
Although those summary seems to be obvious, she explained them using specific examples for 45 minutes. The rest 45 minutes was spent by questions and answered. I thought it's good chance and I asked a question. As a result, I got a laugh of audience as I intended.
After the lecture, an Arab-French man spoke to me and we exchanged business cards each other. I realized the power of laugh attracting people.
The last insight of the lecture mentioned above is profoundly meaningful, because it reminded me of talking by Mr. Kazuo Inamori, a founder of Kyocera, about a story that Mr. Konosuke Matsushita, a founder of Panasonic, gave a lecture in Kyoto when Mr. Inamori was young. At the lecture of Mr. Matsushita, he was asked 'How to improve sales and profit?' by the audience and he answered just 'You need to think.' Although all audience was disappointed at the answer, jeerer at him, and said 'Just thinking is not enough. Without specific idea of how to do it, we can't understand how to do it. Your answer is empty.', Mr. Inamori felt electric shocks throughout his body.
It might be frustrating as if Zen riddle for business persons who need to make decisions from day to day that the answer for how to make smarter decision is just 'THINK'. But I think it is true.
Each decision maker is in different external and internal circumstances. Therefore, a decision which each decision maker made by thinking through enough and by staying down-to-earth will be the best suited one in the each circumstances.
The picture below is inside the lecture room at the end of the lecture.