Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Campus Tour

(English follows Japanese)

本日Hult London Campusに行ってきました。
最寄駅はCentral LineのHolborn駅かChancery Lane駅です。これらの駅から徒歩5分程で付きます。建物の中はとてもきれいでモダンな感じです。

今日はStudent Serviceの方とCareer Serviceの方と話をさせて頂き、1時間程キャンパスに滞在して、現地の雰囲気が大分つかめました。

以下に写真とGoogle MapでのLocationを載せます。

Today, I went to the Hult London Campus.
The nearest stations are Holborn and Chancery Lane (Central Line). The campus is a 5-minutes walk from these stations.
Inside the building, it is very clean and modern. It is a 5-floor building, which has a lecture room with a capacity for 75 people, several breakout rooms with a display, a lunch space and so on.

I enjoyed talking with officers of Student Service and Career Service and walking around. I picked up on the atmosphere of the campus.

Several pictures and a location in the Google Map are shown below.
If you want to see more pictures, visit the web site below.

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